Songs For A Servant Church (Cox)


A rich blend of traditional, well-loved tunes and contemporary compositions has yielded this fine collection of hymns and songs that challenge the Church to live up to its calling to be a servant, both of God and his world.

Written out of deep personal faith and a powerful sense of justice and social concern, these hymns and songs will assist congregations in their worship to reflect the gospel imperative to serve in love and truth.

Featuring the following outstanding Kevin Mayhew authors and composers

Malcolm Archer, Jan Berry, Lucy Berry, Rod Boucher, Sean Bowman, Basil Bridge, Michael Cockett, Peter Dainty, Nick Fawcett, Michael Forster, Barbara Glasson, Andrew Grinnell, Susie Hare, Val Hawthorne, Garth Hewitt, Michael Higgins, Jean Holloway, Martin Leckebusch, Edwin Le Grice, Christopher Massey, Colin Mawby, Kevin Mayhew, Andrew Moore, June Nixon, Geoffrey Nobes, Noel Rawsthorne, Alan Rees, Alan Ridout, Betty Roe, Christopher Tambling, Sarah Watts and James Wright.

Edited by John Cox.

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A rich blend of traditional, well-loved tunes and contemporary compositions has yielded this fine collection of hymns and songs that challenge the Church to live up to its calling to be a servant, both of God and his world.

Written out of deep personal faith and a powerful sense of justice and social concern, these hymns and songs will assist congregations in their worship to reflect the gospel imperative to serve in love and truth.

Featuring the following outstanding Kevin Mayhew authors and composers

Malcolm Archer, Jan Berry, Lucy Berry, Rod Boucher, Sean Bowman, Basil Bridge, Michael Cockett, Peter Dainty, Nick Fawcett, Michael Forster, Barbara Glasson, Andrew Grinnell, Susie Hare, Val Hawthorne, Garth Hewitt, Michael Higgins, Jean Holloway, Martin Leckebusch, Edwin Le Grice, Christopher Massey, Colin Mawby, Kevin Mayhew, Andrew Moore, June Nixon, Geoffrey Nobes, Noel Rawsthorne, Alan Rees, Alan Ridout, Betty Roe, Christopher Tambling, Sarah Watts and James Wright.

Edited by John Cox.

A rich blend of traditional, well-loved tunes and contemporary compositions has yielded this fine collection of hymns and songs that challenge the Church to live up to its calling to be a servant, both of God and his world.

Written out of deep personal faith and a powerful sense of justice and social concern, these hymns and songs will assist congregations in their worship to reflect the gospel imperative to serve in love and truth.

Featuring the following outstanding Kevin Mayhew authors and composers

Malcolm Archer, Jan Berry, Lucy Berry, Rod Boucher, Sean Bowman, Basil Bridge, Michael Cockett, Peter Dainty, Nick Fawcett, Michael Forster, Barbara Glasson, Andrew Grinnell, Susie Hare, Val Hawthorne, Garth Hewitt, Michael Higgins, Jean Holloway, Martin Leckebusch, Edwin Le Grice, Christopher Massey, Colin Mawby, Kevin Mayhew, Andrew Moore, June Nixon, Geoffrey Nobes, Noel Rawsthorne, Alan Rees, Alan Ridout, Betty Roe, Christopher Tambling, Sarah Watts and James Wright.

Edited by John Cox.


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A crown of piercing thorns
All nations of the world
All the time
An urgent voice is calling
And can we hope
At this day's end
At this table we remember
At your feet


B-b-b Bless this hard city
Be the God of all my Sundays
Be the hands of Jesus
Breathe in me, Lord
Bring to God your new, best songs
Broken image


Called by Christ to be disciples
Called to shed light
Christ, here we are!
Christ, my teacher
Come, rest in the love of Jesus
Come with newly-written anthems
Creating God, we bring our songs
of praise
Creation sings!
Cry 'Freedom!'


Don't be afraid
Draw us together at the close of day


Every land in all creation
Extol the God of justice


Faithful God
Fearful, uncertain
Feast your mind on what is pure
Finding a way
For beauty which delights our eyes
For I can do all things
For riches of salvation
For those who strive for justice
Forgive us when our deeds ignore
From a manger in a stable
From near and far
From opposite directions
From the heart of God the Father
From the heights of glory


Give me a heart that will honour you
Give thanks
God beyond earth's finest treasures
God has called us to a journey
God has promised many things
God is our strength from days of old
God of life, we come in worship
God of love
God of present, God of past
God of the nations
God of the second chance
God's surprise
Good Joseph was a man
Good Lord, deliver us
Good news to the poor
Gracious God, in adoration


Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah
Hallelujah Chorus
Happy to share
Have we any room or Jesus?
He broke the rules
Hear our prayer for others
Hold tight
How amazing
How did you feel, Lord Jesus
How rich and deep
God's judgements are
Humble yourselves


Ilift my eyes to the hills
I live, dependent on Jesus
I stand on a rock
I was lost but now I'm found
I will always sing the praises
If we have never sought
Image of our God and Father
In an age of twisted values
In glad and sad remembrance
In the night, the sound of crying
In the peace of a garden
In vast, ornate cathedrals
Is the church a building?
It's the morning after


Jesus came to save us
Jesus, in your life we see you
Jesus meets us at the margins
Jesus of the scars
Jesus shall reign, his power
be shown
Jesus, the Holy One
Jesus, we have heard your Spirit
Justice like a river


Let all creation's wonders
Let justice roll
Let love be our glory
Let love be real
Let the world be changed
Let us all, with grateful minds
Let us rejoice
Light of her life
Listen up
Living God, your word has called us
Living water
Long ago you taught your people
Lord, at a time when our tables are laden
Lord, change our world
Lord, close to you
Lord, give us vision
Lord Jesus, plant a seed of faith
Lord, today your voice is calling
Lord, we know that we have failed you
Lord, what a sacrifice I see
Lord, you amaze us
Lord, you have blessed me


Mary, blessèd teenage mother
Mighty, magnificent God
Mother of Christ, called from above
Mothers of the world


No gift so wonderful
Now as the evening shadows fall
Now, come to the water
Now is the time


O Christ, remember them
O Father, on your love we call
O God of hope
O God of thoughts and feelings
O holy, heavenly kingdom
O Lord, how long
O Lord, you've searched me
O Love that searches all my soul
O West Bank town of Bethlehem
Oh, what a day!
One of us, flesh and blood
Open our eyes to see
Open the door
Our Father (Caribbean)
Our Father in heaven
Out of the darkness of the night


People, look east
Praise to Christ, the Lord incarnate


Room prepared; disciples meet


Sad, confused and shaken
Saviour, precious Saviour
Set the sail on your boat
Sing 'Hey!' for the God who
is eternally new
Sing, my tongue, the glorious struggle
Sing the gospel of salvation
Sound out his praises
Such a host as none can number


Teach me, dear Lord
Teach us how to walk
Tell, my tongue, the awesome mystery
That's why we're here
The day will come, that glorious day
The gracious invitation
The greatest love
The heavens proclaim God's glory
The Lord created family
The Lord reveals his glory
The man of the margins
The only power that
cleanses me
The path is stony
The promised time arrives
The Spirit of God
The Tango of our lives
The universe was waiting
There's a long way
There's a time come nearer
Thirsty for the living water
This heavenly love brings life
This side of heaven
Together we proclaim


We have avision
We hear your cry, Lord
We owe our thanks to you, Lord
We remember you
We saw beauty in the ashes
We will pray for you, sister
We've silenced our prophets
What a gift
What a night to remember
What can we say?
When the day grows cold
When we were little, hurt and lost
Where love is met with hatred
Where you lead us
Where you're going I will follow
Within the busy rush of life
Wonderful, glorious day!


You are the Bread of Life
You've called us as your Church, Lord

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